Technical Skills
- Programming: C#, Java, Kotlin, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Git, Object-Oriented Programming.
- Game Engines: Unity, Unreal.
- Related Skills: Game Design, Clean Code, Design Patterns.
- Language: Portuguese (native), English (advance)
Personal Skills
- Easy to work within a team.
- Great self-learning skills.
- Ability in management and organization.
- Systems Analysis and Development by the Federal Institute of Amazonas (IFAM) – 2014 to 2018
- Computer Technician by the Federal Institute of Amazonas (IFAM) – 2011 to 2015
- Degree in Mathematics by the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM) – 2008 to 2013
SIDIA - Samsung Research Institute
- Developed Unity 3d applications;
- Developed native plugins in Android to communicate with Unity project;
- Worked with a team of more than ten other people to develop applications with responsibility and integrity.
Tap4 Mobile
- Worked to develop Android applications natively;
- Developed features following Android Jetpack documentation.
Lógica Certa Sistemas
- Maintenance of Enterprise Resource Planning software in Delphi;
- Maintenance of Android application;
- Developed features in Android application and software made in Delphi.