Do Not Disturb by Hollow Harpy at Game Jam Plus 2020

    From Oct 2020 to WIP

  • Awards: Best Narrative, Best Game of the Brazil and Best Game of the World;
  • awards
  • Implementation of UI system: dialogs, journals, artifacts, notification, inventory, etc;
  • Developed Player Controller, smooth navigation between scenes, splash screen, language screen;
  • Configuration system and language system;
  • Helped in Game Design;
  • Use Unity Cinemachine and Universal Render Pipeline
  • Work as Tech Artist doing Linghting 2D and UI transitions;
  • DragonBones integration to Unity and configure to works with URP;
  • FMOD integration to Unity.

    Cloop by SplashPunk Studios

    From Sep 2023

  • Design and implement UI/UX
  • Implement advertisement system
  • Implementation of systems, such as: infinity progression, score save, use of design pattern pooling.
  • Tech Artist configuring Universal Render Pipeline, lightning effects and post-processing.

    UnoDos by SplashPunk Studios started at Global Game Jam 2022

    From Feb 2022 to WIP

  • Developed with Unity;
  • Work as Game Designer, Level Designer and Game Developer;
  • Work with Cinemachine, New Input System and Universal Render Pipeline;
  • Developed gameplay mechanics of the game, UI implementation, sound controller and UI transitions;

    Teatro Amazonas: Um jogo em memórias at Casarão de Idéias

    From Dec 2021 to Jan 2022

  • Unity Game Developer of the project;
  • Used Cinemachine, New Input System and Universal Render Pipeline;
  • Developed gameplay mechanics of the game, UI implementation, sound controller, video controller at the end of the game and UI transitions;
  • Developed in WebGL to play in Mobile devices (Android and IOS);
  • Work as Tech Artist doing Linghting 2D and Post-process effects;
  • Integration on the final website using Wordpress;
  • Unity DragonBones to make smooth UI transition.

    Trash Dash

    Jun 2020

  • Developed using Unity;
  • Developed gameplay mechanics of the game;
  • Developed whole system to an IA play the game by itself;
  • Using free unity assets.

    BubbleMe at Global Game Jam 2019

    Feb 2019

  • Develop gameplay mechanics;
  • Helped in Game Design;
  • Developed UI.


    CatRaft - photo 1 CatRaft - photo 2 CatRaft - photo 3

    From Mar 2016 to Apr 2016

  • Develop gameplay mechanics;
  • Helped in Game Design;
  • Developed UI.